# Automatic payment

Automatic payment allows for payments to be processed between the store server and LINE Pay server through an automatic payment API, without additional approval from the LINE Pay member. The store receives a RegKey (a key used for automatic payment) through the first payment (same process as general payment) of a LINE Pay member. The store then issues and manages the RegKey sent through the Confirm API and completes the payment with the automatic payment API without the additional step of acquiring user approval.

Processing the first payment and issuing the RegKey

  1. Call payment request API from the store server (from the request info, set "options.payment.payType" as "PREAPPROVED").
  2. Check the payment method and payment password from the LINE Pay payment page and move to redirectUrls.confirmUrl (the payment request API parameter).
  3. Manage the RegKey issued as a response to the payment Confirm API from the store server.
  4. Payment completed.

The overall payment flow for automatic payment is almost the same as that of general payment. You can issue the RegKey for automatic payment by setting option.payment.payType as PREAPPROVED. The issued RegKey has an expiration date. Inquire for more details.

Automatic payment

  1. Call automatic payment API with the RegKey.
  2. Payment completed.

Preapproved Payment

# Automatic payment

Request for RegKey expiration to terminate automatic payment

  1. Call RegKey sending API for expiration to terminate automatic pay.
  2. Expire the RegKey, which is the automatic payment key.

Use the RegKey issued by the Request API and Confirm API for the Automatic Payment API.