# General payment

LINE Pay members should select one of payment methods from balance, credit card, bank account, and LINE point from the LINE Pay payment page and authorize the payment information with a passcode. With the affiliated store's ConfirmUrl sent through the Request API, move to other page and the affiliated store server will complete the payment with a Confirm API.

# For desktop

PC Reserve Payment

Payment page on PC-Payment complete

  1. LINE Pay member should select a payment method from the LINE Pay payment page and enter the password.
  2. After choosing the payment method, save it and activate the payment status.
  3. Afterwards, check the payment information page in LINE Pay.
  4. Check the activation status from the payment standby page on PC, and if the status is activated, go to ConfirmUrl received from the affiliated store when making the payment request.
  5. The affiliated store should complete the payment by calling the Confirm API through LINE Pay.

# For mobile

Mobile Reserve Payment

Payment page on mobile-Payment complete

  1. LINE Pay member should choose a payment method from the LINE Pay payment page and enter the password.
  2. After choosing the payment method, save it and activate the payment status.
  3. Afterwards, check the payment information page in LINE Pay and click the check button located at the bottom to go to ConfirmUrl received from the affiliated store when making the payment request.
  4. The affiliated store should complete the payment by calling the Confirm API through LINE Pay.

# Separating between authorization and purchase (Capture)

When a payment is confirmed with the Confirm API, the payment is completed as purchase standby status. LINE Pay maintains the purchase standby status until authorization expires. Before the expiration, the affiliated store changes the status as purchased through "Purchase(Capture API)" process.

  • To process the purchase transaction: Call the Capture API to complete the payment.
  • To cancel the purchase transaction: Call the Void API to cancel the payment.

When setting option.payment.capture of the Request API as false, an authorization/purchase separated payment gets generated.

# ConfirmUrl's Server-to-Server

For general payment, the ConfirmUrl notifies the affiliated store of the completion of payment approval and provides the user with a page navigating to payment completion. However, if the payment completion page doesn't need to be shown to user, set redirectUrls.confirmUrlType as SERVER so that the ConfirmUrl can be requested to notify the payment approval from the LINE Pay server without having to move to the other page. After the payment is approved by the user, process the completion with the Confirm API between the affiliated store server and the LINE Pay server. The integration flow is as follows:

Confirm URL Server-to-server

Send the ConfirmUrl sever-to-server

  1. The affiliated store should set redirectUrls.confirmUrlType of payment API as SERVER.
  2. LINE Pay member should access the LINE Pay payment page and select a payment method and enter password.
  3. The LINE Pay server saves the payment information and calls the ConfirmUrl sent by the store when requesting payment.
  4. The store server completes the payment by calling the Confirm API. If the response to the ConfirmUrl isn't sent normally, the Confirm API can't be called.

[Merchant API] confirmUrl