# About the LINE Things Developer Trial

LINE Things Developer Trial will be discontinued

We'd like to inform you that the LINE Things Developer Trial will be discontinued on March 31, 2024. As a result, you won't be able to call the API or connect to your device on and after April 1, 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact us via our inquiry form (opens new window).

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause our customers. Thank you for your understanding.

Developers can try the functions of LINE Things for free with the LINE Things Developer Trial.

The LINE Things Developer Trial provides these functions:

Function Description
Register trial product information LINE Things requires you to create database entities called product information. In the LINE Things Developer Trial, you'll work with trial product information. Learn more about product information in Creating devices.
REST API A REST API for managing devices in the LINE Platform. See also LINE Things API reference.

Any function provided in LINE Things Developer Trial may be changed or removed without notice.

# LINE Things Developer Trial restrictions

The LINE Things Developer Trial has the following restrictions.


Your trial product information may be deleted without notice if you use the LINE Things Developer Trial beyond the restrictions.

# Restrictions on number of products, devices, and users

  • You can create a maximum of 10 instances of trial product information per channel.
  • You can register a maximum of 100 devices per each instance of trial product information.
  • You can link a maximum of 10 users to each device.

# Device requirements for LINE Things Developer Trial

  • In the packet advertised for pairing by your device, include the service UUID for service search. You get this UUID when you create a trial product.

  • The following values are fixed as the device identification information (service UUID for device identification and characteristic UUID for device identification) used in the LINE Things Developer Trial.

    Item Value
    Service UUID for device identification e625601e-9e55-4597-a598-76018a0d293d
    Characteristic UUID for device identification 26e2b12b-85f0-4f3f-9fdd-91d114270e6e

Service and characteristic are Bluetooth® Low Energy-related terms. They refer to locations where Bluetooth® Low Energy-compatible devices store data.