
public class LoginManager

Represents a login manager. You can set up the LINE SDK configuration, log in and log out the user with the LINE authorization flow, and check the authorization status.

  • The shared instance of the login manager. Always use this instance to interact with the login process of the LINE SDK.



    public static let shared: LoginManager
  • The current login process. A non-nil value indicates that there is an ongoing process and the LINE SDK is waiting for the login result; nil otherwise.



    public private(set) var currentProcess: LoginProcess? { get }
  • Checks and returns whether the current LoginManager instance is ready to use. Call the setup method to set up the LINE SDK with basic information before you call any other methods or properties in the LINE SDK.



    public var isSetupFinished: Bool { get }
  • Checks and returns whether the user was authorized and an access token exists locally. This method does not check whether the access token has been expired. To verify an access token, use the API.Auth.verifyAccessToken method.



    public var isAuthorized: Bool { get }
  • Checks and returns whether the authorizing process is currently ongoing.



    public var isAuthorizing: Bool { get }
  • Sets up the current LoginManager instance.


    Call this method before you access any other methods or properties in the LINE SDK. Call this method only once because the login manager cannot be set up multiple times.

    We strongly suggest that you specify a valid universal link URL. Set up your own universal link callback for your channel by following the guide on the LINE Developers site. When the callback is set properly, LINE will try to bring up your app with the universal link first, which improves the security of the authorization flow and protects your data. If the universalLinkURL parameter is nil, only a custom URL scheme will be used to open your app after the authorization in LINE is complete.



    public func setup(channelID: String, universalLinkURL: URL?)



    The channel ID for your app.


    The universal link used to navigate back to your app from LINE.

  • Logs in to the LINE Platform.


    Only one process can be started at a time. Do not call this method again to start a new login process before completion is invoked.

    If the value of permissions contains .profile, the user profile will be retrieved during the login process and contained in the userProfile property of the LoginResult object in completion. Otherwise, the userProfile property will be nil. Use this profile to identify your user. For more information, see UserProfile.

    An access token will be issued if the user authorizes your app. This token and a refresh token will be automatically stored in the keychain of your app for later use. You do not need to refresh the access token manually because any API call will attempt to refresh the access token if necessary. However, if you need to refresh the access token manually, use the API.Auth.refreshAccessToken(with:) method.



    public func login(
        permissions: Set<LoginPermission> = [.profile],
        in viewController: UIViewController? = nil,
        parameters: LoginManager.Parameters = .init(),
        completionHandler completion: @escaping (Result<LoginResult, LineSDKError>) -> Void
    ) -> LoginProcess?



    The set of permissions requested by your app. The default value is [.profile].


    The the view controller that presents the login view controller. If nil, the topmost view controller in the current view controller hierarchy will be used.


    The parameters used during the login process. For more information, see LoginManager.Parameters.


    The completion closure to be invoked when the login action is finished.

    Return Value

    The LoginProcess object which indicates that this method has started the login process.

  • Logs out the current user by revoking the refresh token and all its corresponding access tokens.



    public func logout(completionHandler completion: @escaping (Result<(), LineSDKError>) -> Void)



    The completion closure to be invoked when the logout action is finished.

  • Asks this LoginManager object to handle a URL callback from either LINE or the web login flow.


    This method has the same method signature as in the methods of the UIApplicationDelegate protocol. Pass all arguments to this method without any modification.



    public func application(
        _ app: UIApplication,
        open url: URL?,
        options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool



    The singleton app object.


    The URL resource to open. This resource should be the one passed from the iOS system through the related method of the UIApplicationDelegate protocol.


    A dictionary of the URL handling options passed from the related method of the UIApplicationDelegate protocol.

    Return Value

    true if url has been successfully handled; false otherwise.

  • Sets the preferred language used when logging in with the web authorization flow.

    If not set, the web authentication flow shows the login page in the user’s device language, or falls back to English. Once set, the web page will be displayed in the preferred language.


    This property does not affect the preferred language when LINE is used for authorization. LINE and the login screen are always displayed in the user’s device language.



    @available(*, deprecated, message: "Set the preferred language in a `LoginManager.Parameters` value and use\n`login(permissions:in:parameters:completionHandler:﹚` instead.\"﹚")
    public var preferredWebPageLanguage: WebPageLanguage?
  • Logs in to the LINE Platform.


    Only one process can be started at a time. Do not call this method again to start a new login process before completion is invoked.

    If the value of permissions is .profile, the user profile will be retrieved during the login process and contained in the userProfile property of the LoginResult object in completion. Otherwise, the userProfile property will be nil. Use this profile to identify your user. For more information, see UserProfile.

    An access token will be issued if the user authorizes your app. This token and a refresh token will be automatically stored in the keychain of your app for later use. You do not need to refresh the access token manually because any API call will attempt to refresh the access token if necessary. However, if you need to refresh the access token manually, use the API.Auth.refreshAccessToken(with:) method.



    @available(*, deprecated, message: "Convert the `options` to a `LoginManager.Parameters` value and\nuse `login(permissions:in:parameters:completionHandler:﹚` instead.\"﹚")
    public func login(
        permissions: Set<LoginPermission> = [.profile],
        in viewController: UIViewController? = nil,
        options: LoginManagerOptions,
        completionHandler completion: @escaping (Result<LoginResult, LineSDKError>) -> Void) -> LoginProcess?



    The set of permissions requested by your app. The default value is [.profile].


    The the view controller that presents the login view controller. If nil, the topmost view controller in the current view controller hierarchy will be used.


    The options used during the login process. For more information, see LoginManagerOptions.


    The completion closure to be invoked when the login action is finished.

    Return Value

    The LoginProcess object which indicates that this method has started the login process.

  • Parameters used during login.

    See more



    public struct Parameters
  • The style for showing the “Add LINE Official Account as friend” prompt on the consent screen.

    See more



    public enum BotPrompt : String
  • Represents the language used in the web page.

    See more



    public struct WebPageLanguage