
extension Notification.Name
  • Sent when the LINE SDK detects that the current token has been updated and stored in the keychain. This means that the user has authorized your app and your app has obtained an access token. The object property of the posted Notification object contains the new access token. The userInfo dictionary of the posted Notification object contains the new access token under the LineSDKNotificationKey.newAccessToken key. If an access token has previously existed, it will be under the LineSDKNotificationKey.oldAccessToken key.



    public static let LineSDKAccessTokenDidUpdate: Notification.Name
  • Sent when the LINE SDK removes the current access token from the keychain. This normally happens when you log out the user or call the revokeToken method. An expired access token is not automatically removed since the access token is refreshed when it is used to make an API call. The object property of the posted Notification object contains the removed access token.



    public static let LineSDKAccessTokenDidRemove: Notification.Name