# Get profile information from ID tokens

The LINE Platform issues ID tokens compliant with the OpenID Connect (opens new window) specification, allowing you to securely obtain user profile information (user ID, display name, profile picture, email address) from the LINE Platform.

If you have LINE Profile+ permission, you can also safely obtain data registered with LINE Profile+ (name, gender, birthday, phone number, address). For more information, see Get user data registered with LINE Profile+.

# Get an ID token

You can also get an ID token when you get an access token.

You can also get an ID token with the LIFF app.

You can also use liff.getIDToken() to get an ID token.

# About ID tokens

ID tokens are JSON web tokens (JWT) with information about the user. The ID token consists of a header, payload, and signature separated by period (.) characters. Each part is a base64url-encoded value. For more information, see the JWT (opens new window) specification.

To ensure the security of your app, you should always validate the ID token using the signature. Unless the ID token is obtained directly from the LINE Platform, validate the ID token on the server.

To validate the ID token, write a verification code or use the Verify ID token endpoint. For more information about using the endpoint to verify the ID token, see Get profile information from an ID token.

These are the values included in the header.

Property Type Description
alg String ID token signature algorithm. For native apps, LINE SDK, or LIFF apps, ES256 (ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256) is returned, and for web login, HS256 (HMAC using SHA-256) is returned.
type String Payload format. JWT is returned.
kid String Public key ID. Included in a header only when the value of alg is ES256. For more information on the kid property, see the JSON Web Key (JWK) document (opens new window).

This is an example of a decoded header portion.

When alg is HS256:

  "typ": "JWT",
  "alg": "HS256"

When alg is ES256:

  "typ": "JWT",
  "alg": "ES256",
  "kid": "a2a459aec5b65fa..."

# Payload

The user's information is found in the payload section.

Property Type Description
iss String https://access.line.me. URL where the ID token is generated.
sub String User ID for which the ID token is generated
aud String Channel ID
exp Number The expiry date of the ID token in UNIX time (in seconds).
iat Number Time when the ID token was generated in UNIX time (in seconds).
auth_time Number Time when the user was authenticated in UNIX time (in seconds). Not included if the max_age parameter wasn't specified in the authorization request.
nonce String The nonce value specified in the authorization URL. Not included if the nonce value was not specified in the authorization request.
amr Array of strings List of authentication methods used by the user. Not included in the payload under certain conditions.
Includes one or more of the values below:
  • pwd: Log in with email and password
  • lineautologin: LINE automatic login (including through LINE SDK)
  • lineqr: Log in with QR code
  • linesso: Log in with single sign-on
  • mfa: Log in with two-factor authentication
For more information on user authentication, see User authentication. Also, for more information on two-factor authentication, see Require two-factor authentication.
name String User's display name. Not included if the profile scope was not specified in the authorization request.
picture String User's profile image URL. Not included if the profile scope was not specified in the authorization request.
email String User's email address. Not included if the email scope was not specified in the authorization request.

This is an example of a decoded payload section.

  "iss": "https://access.line.me",
  "sub": "U1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef ",
  "aud": "1234567890",
  "exp": 1504169092,
  "iat": 1504263657,
  "nonce": "0987654asdf",
  "amr": ["pwd"],
  "name": "Taro Line",
  "picture": "https://sample_line.me/aBcdefg123456"

# Signature

The signature is a hashed value of a string of the base64url-encoded header and payload separated by period characters. It is used to prevent tampering with the ID token.

The hashing algorithm is specified by the alg property in the header. The key required to validate the ID token is different for each algorithm used to hash the signature.

Algorithm Key for verification
ES256 (ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256) Element in the JSON Web Key (JWK) document URL (opens new window) that contains the kid property in the header
HS256 (HMAC using SHA-256) Channel secret

For more information on ID token verification, see ID Token Validation (opens new window) on OpenID Connect Core 1.0.

For information about the OpenID provider, see OpenID Provider Configuration Document (opens new window).

# Get profile information from an ID token

When using the information contained in the ID token, write a verification code or use the Verify ID token endpoint on LINE Login to verify the ID token.

If you use the verify ID Token endpoint, you can validate the ID token and get the corresponding user's profile information and email address by simply sending the ID token you acquired with the access token and LINE Login channel ID to our dedicated API endpoint.

Example request:

curl -v -X POST 'https://api.line.me/oauth2/v2.1/verify' \
 -d 'id_token=eyJraWQiOiIxNmUwNGQ0ZTU2NzgzYTc5MmRjYjQ2ODRkOD...' \
 -d 'client_id=1234567890'

Example response:

  "iss": "https://access.line.me",
  "sub": "U1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",
  "aud": "1234567890",
  "exp": 1504169092,
  "iat": 1504263657,
  "nonce": "0987654asdf",
  "amr": ["pwd"],
  "name": "Taro Line",
  "picture": "https://sample_line.me/aBcdefg123456",
  "email": "taro.line@example.com"

For more information, see Verify ID token in the LINE Login API reference.